Volunteering for Scouting is one of the most fun, rewarding and positive things you can ever do. You can give as much or a little time you like and we will match opportunities that fit your skills and time available. If you would like to have fun and make friends, earn professional qualifications and make a real difference to the lives of young people please contact us.
We’re always on the lookout for people to help us out in a wide range of roles, including:
~Uniformed Leaders
~Non-uniformed assistants
~Committee members
~Scout HQ maintenance
I’d like to get involved, but I don’t have any skills?
Volunteers can help in many ways. You might have first aid knowledge that you could teach the group, or you might be able to teach our Scouts a thing or two about DIY.
I would like to volunteer but I don’t have the time?
Volunteering for The Scout Association is easy, fun and flexible. We have a huge variety of roles to suit everyone, and whatever role you choose, we’ll make sure you’re properly trained and supported.You can do a couple of evenings a month or one hour a week: how much time you give is completely up to you.With whatever time you can give to Scouting, hopefully we’ll be able to inspire you by showing how easy and rewarding it can be to volunteer with Scouts.
Can you tell me more about volunteer training?
Our award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouting as our young people.Our modular training scheme delivers the full spectrum of required skills. Volunteers can choose training modules that are relevant to the role that they do, ranging from leadership to running residential experiences and first aid.Our training scheme was recognised with a National Training Award from UK Skills. It is one of the reasons why we have managed to increase our volunteer numbers over the past few years, against the national trend.
What else can I get out of volunteering?
As well as gaining externally recognised skills and having a brilliant time, Scouting also offers the chance to build on personal skills, like teamwork, confidence and leadership.Over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives, so we’re certainly doing something right.A study of volunteers found that more than two-thirds of respondents reported a direct correlation between their volunteer experience within Scouting and gaining employment or career development.
Please contact us and we’ll be in touch.